Hi, my name is

Steve Szymanski

Full-Stack Web Developer

.NET || C# || SQL || Angular || React

About Me

Who Am I?

Hi! My name is Steve and I build beautiful full-stack web applications with ASP.NET. I am always learning. I love to solve coding business problems and collaborate with great people.

I am committed to mastering my craft. After college I completed Coder Foundry's Coding Bootcamp and am currently earning my Master of Science in Cybersecurity from Grand Canyon University.

Want to see more? Try out my projects or view my GitHub repository here!


Tools of the trade

I am currently working with the following tech stack:


Check out my work!


A bug tracker built to scale. Create companies, projects, assign roles, and manage service tickets.

TECH STACK: Built with ASP.NET, C#, MVC, PostgreSQL, Javascript, HTML and Bootstrap CSS.


Powered by OpenAI. Add ingredients and Chef Byte will return multiple recipes and dish images!

TECH STACK: Blazor Web Assembly, OpenAI API, ChatGPT, DALL-E, REST API, ASP.NET, C#, Javascript


A database-driven address book. Create, categorize, and email your contacts. Built with ASP.NET.

TECH STACK: ASP.NET, C#, Model View Controller, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML and CSS.


Notable Coding Challenges

These multi-page applications showcase coding challenges that reverse strings, use conditional statements, for-loops, and arrays. The sites deploy through Netlify and the JS code is displayed with Prism.
Built with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Each application accepts input parameters and returns values based on the functions involved. Enjoy!

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

— Albert Einstein

Contact Me

Let's connect!

I am open to discuss new opportunities. Feel free to contact me and I will reply as soon as possible.

Email: steve.k.szymanski@gmail.com

LinkedIn: Visit LinkedIn

GitHub: Visit GitHub

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